Tuesday 17 April 2012

Fan wants John to donate his sperms!

John Abraham has been apparently approached by a childless female fan to donate his sperms so that she can finally have a baby

Be it Bollywood or Hollywood, fanfare has no limit. John Abraham, who has been constantly receiving e-mails and letters at his house ever since he mentioned his belief in sperm donation, recently had quite an experience. The actor-producer is said to have received a strange request from a married woman, who apparently is having trouble conceiving a child.The only option left for her is artificial insemination. Now, the lady has requested John to donate his sperms for this cause. Being a hardcore fan, she claims she won’t take anyone else’s except the actor’s. According to the source, the woman genuinely respects the fact that John has spoken out about such a sensitive issue that encourages youngsters to come forward and help childless parents like her.Interestingly, Indian laws make it illegal to reveal the donor’s identity. But given the actor’s enthusiasm, a well-known fertility centre in Chandigarh has asked him to donate sperms. 
John says, “Why can’t we donate sperm? It’s a topic that needs to be addressed, as there are childless couples out there, who can do with our help.” 

Arjun Kapoor's Big Fat Secret

Not so long ago, an overweight Kapoor would lock himself up in a room full of his favourite film DVDs 
Cousins Sonam and Arjun Kapoor have faced with one common problem during their growing up years. Both were overweight, but they dealt with it their own way.
While Sonam drowned herself in fashion magazines quite early on, giving her the edge she has today, Arjun seems to have invested all his attention towards films.Apparently during his teenage years the actor wouldn’t bother going partying or play sports, but instead would lock himself up in a room full of dvds.Says a source, “We all have our own methods of dealing with our insecurities or weaknesses. Arjun found comfort in cinema. He wanted to watch and learn from as many different filmmakers as possible.It made him feel like he was using his time well. He would sit and watch films for hours together, trying to understand different kinds of cinema, apart from Bollywood films that he grew up watching.”
Arjun Kapoor in 2008
So much so that today he owns a collection of over 7, 500 dvds, all arranged neatly in alphabetical order in his room. Adds the source, “That stack contains everything from Hollywood to Bollywood         to foreign films to    documentaries.
With Parineeti in his forthcoming filmIt’s like a film buff’s paradise in there. Even today, despite the fact that he’s been busy with his film, he tries to make sure he watches at least one film a day. It’s what keeps him going and he believes it’s the best way to judge his own work.”From fat to fitInterestingly it is also one of reasons that impressed his director Habib Faisal, as Arjun would effortlessly improvise during his scenes. Adds the source, “Watching films can influence you in a lot of ways and Arjun is trying to use those influences in his performance.” Well as long as he doesn’t advocate being a couch potato, we think this film buff’s going to go a long way.